System Event [S]
This message will be sent to provide information about events that are scheduled or triggered by the system. Events may occur at Orderbook, Board, Board+Product or System level. A system-level event is indicated when the Orderbook, Product and Board fields are all left blank.
Name | Offset | Length | Value | Description |
Type | 0 | 1 | Alpha | System Event Message identifier: "S" |
Timestamp | 1 | 4 | Unsigned Integer | Nanoseconds since last ITCH Timestamp "T" message. |
Group | 5 | 20 | Alpha | Identifies the Board for which this event applies. Left blank if not at Board level. |
Product | 25 | 12 | Alpha | Identifies the Product for which this event applies. Left blank if not at Product level. |
Orderbook | 37 | 4 | Unsigned Integer | Used to identify if the event applies to a single Orderbook. Set to 0 if not at Orderbook level. |
EventCode | 41 | 12 | Alpha | The text identifier for the event: IPXS-SOM See System Event Codes for details of actions permissible in each session. |
EventStatus | 53 | 1 | Alpha | The current status of the event Valid values |
ScheduledTime | 54 | 8 | Unsigned Integer | The time this event is scheduled to be triggered in nanoseconds since Epoch (UTC). |